12 March 2009


We went to a hat exibition today.  Here are some hats I saw!

09 March 2009


We went to the aquarium the other day.  There is this cool fish with split eyes called a four-eyed fish that can see above and below water at the same time.

07 March 2009

Shark Badge

We went to the London Aquarium today, and they made me an awesome.

06 March 2009

Lizard Thing

I am in London if you didn't know (I am having a great time).  Peep Show is an English sitcom that is pretty damn hilarious.  Watch it if you get the opportunity.

05 March 2009

04 March 2009

Sharks and Dogs

Hey, I haven't been around for a bit.  Mostly it is because I have been having trouble staying awake at the proper time because I am in England! (8 hour time difference)